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  • How do I use my affirmation cards?
    You can use the cards in any way that feels comfortable for you. The most important thing is to speak the words out loud and experience the feeling you get when saying positive affirmations to yourself. Here are some ways you can use your card deck: - Make it your perfect coffee table accessory - Tape to your mirror for daily self-love reminders - Use as a bookmark. - Leave around the house for your partner to find - Keep on your bedside for a mental health morning routine - Share a card with a friend - Take your deck to therapy - Keep your deck in your purse to review when waiting in line - Draw a card to prompt daily journaling, intention setting or meditation focus. - Make photos of the cards to use as a screen-saver/background of your telephone or laptop - Drop in your child’s bag or lunch box for a daily dose of love
  • What are affirmations?
    A positive sentence that you pin into your subconscious and make your days better. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes.
  • I still feel bad about myself, does this mean affirmations do not work?
    Affirmation cards are a tool to help you boost your self-esteem and feel enough, but the real change happens when you combine affirmations with doing the real work. So you still have to take the necessary steps to become the best version of yourself.
  • How often should I use my affirmation cards?
    We recommend using affirmations daily, in your morning routine or before going to bed. However, life happens so just say them as often as you can or whenever you need a pick me up.
  • Do affirmations really work?
    There's only one way to find out and that's by using them consistently. Challenge yourself to practice positive affirmations every day for a week and see how you feel at the end of the week.
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